Saturday, January 22, 2011

2012 Audi A7 First Drive

Sardinia is a really old place, and at first it feels odd to drive Audi's latest creation, the 2012 Audi A7, on roads that meander past the remains of a stone village from the Bronze Age and a 3,800-year-old olive tree that's miraculously still alive.

But Sardinians have gotten in the habit of reinventing their island over the centuries. Their latest creation is the Costa Smeralda, a gorgeous strip of coastline that's currently the No. 1 destination for millionaires from Moscow, Dubai and all points in between. You certainly wouldn't be surprised to see a high-end vehicle here, particularly if it's new and avant garde in design, as the Audi A7 is.

We don't mean to make too much of the "five-door coupe" marketing wizardry that will accompany the launch of the 2012 Audi A7 in Europe this fall and here in the U.S. next spring. This car is a sedan, in the same way the Mercedes-Benz CLS is a sedan. The difference is the A7 has a hatchback tail, so it can carry four millionaires and their luggage on a tour of the island.

Of course, the beautiful vacationers would never actually want to be seen in a practical vehicle, so the 2012 Audi A7 hides that utility under sleek bodywork.
2012 Audi A7